Chatbot or Task-Bot?

If in 2017 we witnessed the explosive entrance of chatbots in the business world, in 2018 we are looking at them rising rapidly. There’s a chatbot for every need, and they are used in many fields, from customer service to booking, going through e-commerce and landing to public administration and recruitment. Users are getting more and more used to interacting with them on social platforms and websites: according to Business Insider, 45% of end users choose bots as their main communication means for customer service requests. We already know the great advantages that this technology can bring to company business, and we can’t ignore the fact that there are more and more companies stating that they use a chatbot or plan to implement one.

It’s clear by now that we are looking at a real Chatbot Revolution. But what do chatbots actually know and what can they really do? Are we really able to distinguish between the different existing types of chatbots?

In this article we’ll try to sort the most common chatbots out and define the fields where their features can be more useful and effective.

Ready? Let’s start!

We have spotted four different kinds of chatbots, based on two criteria: integration with third-party systems and conversational depth. Here we have organised our analysis on the 4 chatbot macro-categories that emerged on two Cartesian axes:


The first type of chatbot is characterised by the lowest level of technical and conversational depth: its job is to understand the users’ requests and reply with ready-made FAQ, created by the client. The FAQ-Bot technology does not provide for contexts and connectors and does not integrate with the various platforms used by the client. The result is a one-step conversation that doesn’t memorise the data provided by the users, nor the steps or topics that have been discussed with them. Basically, the FAQ page of a company is turned into a chatbot that is capable of activating guided conversations with the users, and partly automatising the company’s customer service. The main goal of this type of chatbot is to solve the customers’ problems as quickly as possible, supplying all the answers they need in real time. Nonetheless, the one-step conversations that are typical of FAQ-Bots can turn out to be dry and not very pleasant. Even if companies may potentially save time, effort and money, this type of bot has limited features and achieves results that are just as limited, from a customer engagement and customer experience point of view.


In the second category we find the bots that we call Command-Bots. Differently from the previous type, their technology allows the integration with the managing systems used by the client and are created to work by using specific codes. Users can write a series of commands, to which the bot associates more or less complex actions. A few examples: Command-Bots can keep track of your to-do list, look for a file in your Google docs or set a reminder. However, this type of bot has a clear limit: it’s not based on NLP or Machine Learning systems and so it can’t understand natural language. This means that in order to ask the bot to do anything you need to use specific syntax (for example //open_file, */send_doc). The conversational side is therefore inexistent and there’s no room for synonyms, variations or typos.


If the goal of your brand is to attract new customers and improve the engagement of those you have already acquired, Conversational-Bots are what you need. These bots have better conversational skills and depth than FAQ-Bots and Command-Bots because they are created to simulate conversations that can also be very complex. They can be useful for brand positioning, brand storytelling, and to intercept new consumer targets (like millennials, for example). They are more common than the other types analysed until now and you can almost exclusively find them on Facebook Messenger. Differently from the FAQ-Bots, their aim is not to simply answer to frequent questions, but to entertain the users while providing useful information. The application fields are potentially infinite, from book and film suggestions to lifestyle, news and cuisine.

Conversational-Bots’ main problem is that they can’t go beyond mere entertainment: they don’t have connectors and can’t be integrated with third-party informative tools. Therefore, they can’t carry out complex tasks and operations.


Finally, Task-Bots: they offer the best combination of all the elements that characterise the other chatbots we have analysed. But what can a Task-Bot really do and why is it different from the others?

First of all, this type of chatbot is based on a proprietary Artificial Intelligence platform and has developed high conversational skills and depth thanks to its integration with the most advanced NLP solution, Google API.AI, able to understand any conversation in any context thanks to the deep learning process. Through the connectors, the Task-Bot is able to integrate with the client’s management platforms (like Magento, SAP, Salesforce, Hybris, Zendesk, Qapla) and also with the CRM, CMS and ERP informational tools. Such integrations enable the Task-Bot to manage, for example, the product database, store locator, opening times and much more. Furthermore, the conversational architecture offers the added value of working with memory, contexts, logics and slot-filling.

With these features, bots are able to carry out complex tasks, entertaining and offering a dedicated and customised UX. For example, a Task-Bot can return goods, cancel orders, send documents, book medical exams, sign customers up for the fidelity card and much more. This is why they are versatile, scalable and very useful in many fields.

Where is the Heres chatbot positioned?

Our enterprise solution is definitely a fully-fledged Task-Bot. It actually launches this category of chatbot, at least on the Italian market, because it is one of the first enterprise solutions to be able to carry out complex operations and to integrate with the whole informational system and all the channels of the client, going beyond the FAQ-Bot and Conversational-Bot ideas and paving the way for a new style of communication with the customer.

Moreover, our chatbots can learn from their conversational experience, increasing their performance conversation after conversation and reaching, in the most successful cases, up to a 50% reduction in the number of people contacting customer service staff.

One goal, one chatbot

Chatbots are good for any type of business, from a small local shop to a multinational company, but as we have just learned, not all of them are fully optimised in different fields and they can actually obtain results that are far from expectations. Our advice, then, is to carefully choose your chatbot keeping in mind what you want to achieve.

If you’re looking for a way to make your customer service more efficient and to promote your brand, entertaining your customers in a personalised way and focusing on engagement, Heres is the perfect bot for you!

Does your E-Commerce need a chatbot?

Shopping online is great!

But who should we talk to when there is a problem or just a little confusion? There’s no shopping assistant ready to offer their advice and support. And if something goes wrong there’s nobody you can complain to. There is somebody, actually, but they are invisible and unidentifiable. Phone calls, e-mails, long queues, and background music, just waiting for a service that is often ineffective. Customer service is both a blessing and a curse for any online business: essential for the customers’ satisfaction, but also capable of compromising the customer-business bond forever if not properly managed.

So here are 5 reasons why you should entrust customer service to a virtual assistant:

1- You can automatically manage repetitive operations.

On one side you have the customers, often frustrated by waiting for long periods, and on the other, the operators, forced to answer the usual questions: “Can I return this product?” “When will my order be delivered?” “I haven’t received a refund yet!” “can I change my order?” – questions suitable for automating. How? Entrusting them to a chatbot: an intelligent conversational interface that can be embedded with your eCommerce platform or CRM, capable of answering simple questions but also solving very complex tasks like returning a product, sending an invoice, canceling an order, subscribing to the newsletter and any other operation that can be automated.

2- You have a 24/7 assistant.

A chatbot replies at any hour of the day, any day of the week, without any waiting or delay: the customers are happy because their problems are solved and the Customer Service operators are happy because they can focus on more complex tasks.

3- Higher efficiency, lower expense.

Higher efficiency and simpler procedures, thanks to the reduction of at least 30% of the incoming requests, means saving a noticeable amount of money: according to research done by Business Insider (The Chatbot Explainer, 2016), the potential savings in Customer Service would be more than 23 billion dollars in the United States alone.

4- You can make the customer buy through conversation.

As we said, a bot is a conversational interface, and this means that it doesn’t simply solve problems, but it’s able to improve the customers’ shopping experience by offering them their favourite products or the most tempting promotions, notifying them about the existence of coupons and discounts and alerting them when a product they looked for is available again.

5- Personal shop assistant, lead generation, and marketing automation.

A chatbot can improve a store’s sales and the customer experience in many ways: for example, it can offer products that are similar or complementary to the ones already purchased, memorise the customers’ preferences and offer them a shopping experience that is tailored to their tastes and needs. Or it can follow the incomplete orders and abandoned checkouts, and help the customers thanks to specific triggers related to the problems it has spotted in the different touchpoints through the purchase path: a true shopping support system for the whole customer journey.

There are so many reasons why every online business needs a chatbot that you should ask yourself, “Can I really live without it?

How chatbots can revolutionise your business

Ordering a smartphone, checking the weather forecast, booking a medical exam: just a short while ago we would have said “There’s an app for this”. Today, and most of all tomorrow, we will say “There’s a bot for this”.

We are looking at facts: chatbots are conquering the world. But it’s not all thanks to them. Artificial Intelligence is making great strides: Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft are investing millions on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. But the real revolution is Conversational. Conversational apps have overtaken social apps: 3 billion users versus 2,5. Whatsapp, WeChat, Messenger, Telegram, Snapchat: everybody loves chatting, talking, asking questions and receiving responses.

Chatting with your friend, partner, cousin, but also with your business online, with your bank or your clinic. You don’t need to phone, send emails or browse the website anymore: you just need to have a conversation. So, welcome to the Conversational Era.

What does Conversational Era mean?

It means that anyone who has a business, a demand, or a market, must equip themselves! In a quick, efficient and innovative way.

How? Apps are handy, fresh and suitable for all. But they can’t deal with huge flows of requests, every day, every hour. This is why the transition to chatbots is easy: conversational interfaces are able to complete orders, manage returned goods, refund customers, suggest products at any price or on sale, offer a dress or a pair of shoes and deal with complex problems. Everything automatically, without operators, any hour, any day.

The data behind ChatBots – what does it say?

A solution, but also an opportunity and, most of all, a change. That is apparently already happening. These are the results of the Oracle report “Can Virtual Experiences Replace Reality?”, for which 800 CMOs, CSOs, senior marketers and senior sales executives in France, Netherlands, South Africa and UK have been interviewed:

78% of the companies expect to start using Virtual Reality in customer experience by 2020, and 37% of them have already implemented this technology at some level; 44% of the companies are going to use chatbots to interact with their customers by 2020, and 36% already use them; 48% of the companies have adopted automation technologies for their sales, marketing and customer service, and another 40% expect to do so by 2020. The moment is now

When the market demands, the market responds. Many start-ups and big brands have already mobilised themselves. Facebook Messenger alone has already developed more than eleven thousand chatbots.

High market volume, impressive predictions.

Companies are facing a crossroads today. Some companies will just wait, others will take advantage and become the first to innovate and experiment. Some may already have made their move: Digital Managers, CIOs and COOs are looking for the best product and may have just scheduled an appointment with one of the dozens of start-ups and tech companies that deal with Artificial Intelligence and chatbots. Making the right decision at the right time is always the key. What seems to be certain is, sooner or later, everybody will arrive at the same point.

Welcome to the Chatbot Era.

Welcome to the Conversational Era.

Welcome to Heres!

Chatbots – it was love at first sight for our company, and it’s not hard to understand why. I just need to make an emblematic example like purchasing a train ticket: you go to the train operator’s website or app, follow the ordinary purchase process, looking for the outward voyage ticket and then for the return ticket, going through login, shopping cart, check out and payment. It’s all more or less linear, more or less efficient, just the usual browsing made of a few pages, some data to type in and a few, or sometimes many, clicks.

Everything normal, until the chatbots arrive

Now imagine you are on Facebook, go to the train operator’s fan page, click on the messenger icon and start your conversation by saying something like “I have to go to Milan this afternoon”. The bot recognizes you, it knows you are in Bologna (if not certain, it will ask you “do you want to leave from Bologna?”) and shows you all the trains that go from Bologna to Milan that afternoon. You choose the most convenient option and the bot puts it into your kart, takes your PayPal data, asks for your final confirmation and in just two clicks you have your train ticket, without even having entered the website.

Done. Everything’s easier, everything’s better and everything’s possible, thanks to the conversational interfaces. And it’s a revolution that goes above and beyond a ticket purchase.

It was a short step from the idea to the implementation: a technical director who knows no bounds, an operations manager with a deep knowledge of the chatbot world, a team made of true talents that integrates expert captains with fresh minds, everybody united by the passion for AI, machine learning, computational linguistics and design. In other words, innovators. To this, we added the essential contribution of an agency skilled in Customer Experience and Design Thinking.

After months of hard work, here we are: Heres is born

Heres is the first solution for the development and management of chatbots for the Enterprise market, for every sector and multiple fields, from Customer Service to Conversational Commerce, to pure Entertainment.

Our Conversational AI Studio is at the disposal of medium and big companies looking for chatbots that can be customized, scaled, embedded and are legally compliant.

Heres means Heir, because it inherits and integrates the role of graphic interfaces and because it collects part of our company’s knowledge or, to say it in our way, it capitalizes our know-how, becoming more and more intelligent every day.

Heres is ready. The adventure begins.